Who We Are

School for Social Entrepreneurs (SSE) India was launched in February 2016 www.the-sseindia.org and delivers customized learning programmes for improving well-being of every individual in the society so they can reach their full potential. We invest in people.
We work to promote social entrepreneurship by offering fellowship programmes, trainings on social leadership development, capacity building of small & medium NGOs and social enterprises and work with the government to enhance livelihoods, entrepreneurship development and localising SDGs.
At SSE India, we mobilise the experience of people who have identified an unmet social need and support them to use entrepreneurial approaches to create a sustainable solution to addresses the issues. We look for great ideas from people with first-hand experience of social issues because we believe personal experience builds a strong foundation of practical knowledge.

Our Philosophy
Focus on the individual. For us, human interaction leading to individual transformation is at the core of the SSE India programme.

Our Vision
We want to live in a world where social inequality no longer exists. Where every individual is born with the power and the means to change the world.

Our Objective
Support initiatives of social entrepreneurs who want to bring about social innovation in its truest sense.
Alternative methodology honed over 25+ years, proven effective through independent evaluations
Focus on “un-learning” limiting beliefs and behaviours
High-trust classrooms and hands-on learning
Exceptionally diverse community, a rich environment for break-through thinking, and social solidarity
Connection to a network of social innovators in India, UK, Canada and Australia